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How DVP Solar Saves 1 Day a Week Using Glint Solar

Published: 3. Oct. 2024
How DVP Solar Saves 1 Day a Week Using Glint Solar

DVP Solar, a pioneering force in the development of large-scale photovoltaic solar projects, has always been driven by a commitment to innovation and efficiency. With over 3 GW of projects under development across Europe and Latin America, DVP Solar embraced Glint Solar’s platform to supercharge its project qualification process. The results? Faster decision-making, empowered teams, and a pre-qualification process that saves them a full day of work each week.

Serge Comboroure, Project Developer at DVP Solar, shows how they use Glint Solar to transform their pre-permit workflows

In the fast-paced world of utility-scale solar development, staying ahead of the curve isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. But what happens when a company known for innovation decides to push the envelope even further? The results, as we've seen with DVP Solar, can be game-changing.

The solar landscape: Bigger, faster, smarter

Let's face it: the solar industry isn't what it used to be. Companies like DVP Solar are operating in a landscape where efficiency isn't just desired—it's demanded. But here's the million-dollar question: How do you scale operations across diverse regions without sacrificing quality or speed?


The DVP Solar approach: Embracing change

DVP Solar is no stranger to the complexities of scaling solar projects across diverse regions. With a presence in key markets such as Spain, Italy, France, and Germany, as well as countries in Latin America, their goal has always been clear: to bring clean energy to more communities, faster. But like any visionary company, they knew that growth required both adaptation and a willingness to embrace new tools to stay ahead.

Their challenges didn’t hold them back; rather, they became the driving force behind their quest for efficiency, speed, and excellence:

1. Scaling across regions: Managing a growing portfolio of solar projects across multiple countries with varying regulatory landscapes was a considerable task. DVP Solar needed a way to maintain speed and efficiency while tailoring projects to each region's unique needs.

2. Resource management: Project managers relied heavily on their technical office to qualify sites, creating a bottleneck that slowed down early-stage evaluations. This system, while effective, was not scalable in the long term as the company expanded its operations.

3. Adapting to change: As environmental regulations and project needs evolved, DVP Solar sought a dynamic, real-time solution that would allow them to quickly adjust plans and ensure projects stayed on track.

Rather than seeing these challenges as obstacles, DVP Solar viewed them as opportunities to innovate, streamline, and ultimately strengthen its leadership in the solar industry. This openness to change led them to Glint Solar.

Enter Glint Solar: The innovation partner for DVP Solar

DVP Solar chose Glint Solar because it aligned with its forward-thinking approach and commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive efficiency. 

And the results were nothing short of transformative:

  • One full day saved per week, per project. You read that right: With Glint Solar, DVP Solar’s project managers no longer needed to wait for feedback from the technical office. They could pre-qualify sites on their own, freeing up engineers to focus on high-priority projects. This led to a significant time saving of one full day per week, a testament to the team’s pursuit of efficiency and growth.

  • Project managers went from waiting for technical feedback to making real-time decisions: DVP Solar’s project managers are now equipped with the tools they need to make real-time decisions. They’ve become more autonomous, able to pre-qualify sites, visualize constraints, and assess energy potential independently. This newfound autonomy has helped the company scale its operations without bottlenecks.

  • Real-time project adjustments based on new constraints or regulations: In an industry where adaptability is key, DVP Solar’s ability to adjust project layouts based on new environmental constraints or changing regulations has been a game-changer. Glint Solar gave their team the flexibility to respond quickly, ensuring projects remained viable and on schedule.

  • Clear communication with stakeholders: DVP Solar prides itself on transparency and collaboration, both within the team and with external stakeholders. Glint Solar’s advanced visualizations and reports have made it easier to share complex data in an understandable format, improving stakeholder buy-in and speeding up project approvals.

  • Increased project capacity: Thanks to the time saved and increased efficiency, DVP Solar can now handle more projects with the same level of excellence. Their commitment to technology has allowed them to scale their portfolio without sacrificing quality.


The secret sauce: Pre-qualification autonomy

DVP Solar's pre-qualification process underwent a complete overhaul. Project managers could now:

  • Assess buildable areas
  • Estimate energy output
  • Visualize constraints

All of this without waiting for the technical team. It's like giving your project managers the superpowers they need to scale faster and better. 

1. Pre-qualifying projects in minutes, not days

When a new lead comes in, time is of the essence. Before Glint Solar, DVP Solar faced a cumbersome process: passing project data to an overseas technical office, waiting for availability, and often overloading engineers with site assessments that would later be disqualified. Today, it’s a different story:

  • Rapid site assessment: Using Glint Solar, DVP Solar inputs site data and immediately visualizes buildable areas and potential power output. For instance, when a farmer in Monflanquin offered multiple plots, the team quickly evaluated their viability, spotting constraints like residential visibility and forest zones.

  • Initial design and feasibility: Within minutes, DVP Solar can sketch out a project design and identify surrounding constraints. This quick evaluation helps estimate site potential, determining whether the project is worth pursuing further.

  • Reduced engineer workload: Project managers now handle pre-qualification directly, cutting out the time-consuming back-and-forth with the technical office. This shift not only saves a full day of work per project but also allows engineers to focus on advancing mature projects.

2. Adapting projects on the fly

The nature of solar projects means they evolve as new data becomes available. DVP Solar uses Glint Solar to adapt projects in real-time, integrating environmental constraints and technical requirements efficiently:

  • Incorporating environmental data: As projects progress, new studies can reveal wetland areas or fire safety requirements. DVP Solar seamlessly integrates this data, placing access roads, technical points, and even fire-fighting water tanks directly into the project design.

  • Dynamic project adjustments: Need to add or remove plots due to new constraints? No problem. Glint Solar’s flexible platform allows DVP Solar to adjust layouts and plans without delays, keeping the project on track.

3. Streamlined documentation and permitting

DVP Solar’s reliance on Glint Solar extends beyond design and feasibility; it’s also a powerful tool for creating detailed, clear documentation required for construction permits:

  • Phased project visualization: The tool illustrates each phase of development, making it easy to document technical aspects and future plans in permit applications.

  • Clear communication: Whether it’s internal discussions with the technical team or presenting to local authorities, Glint Solar’s realistic renderings simplify complex data. Everyone—from municipalities to agricultural chambers—gets a clear picture of the project’s impact, fostering smoother approvals and collaboration.


Case in point: Monflanquin, France

In Monflanquin, France, DVP Solar demonstrated how their approach to innovation pays off. When presented with multiple land plots for potential development, the team quickly set to work using Glint Solar.

  • Rapid assessment: In a fraction of the time it would have taken previously, DVP Solar’s project manager identified buildable areas and constraints, thanks to Glint Solar’s real-time data.

  • Preliminary design and quick decision: The platform allowed the team to sketch a project layout and estimate energy output within minutes. What could have been a drawn-out process became a swift, informed decision-making session, enabling DVP Solar to move forward confidently.

Fun fact:  This all happened in minutes, not days.

"Glint Solar has fundamentally changed how we operate. Each project manager can now independently assess a project’s development potential, which wasn’t possible before. This autonomy is a game changer for us.”

Serge Comboroure, Project Developer at DVP Solar


Why Glint Solar is a Must-Have for Utility-Scale Developers

For DVP Solar, Glint Solar isn’t just another tool—it’s a game-changer that has transformed their approach to project development.

  • Empowering every project manager: Before Glint Solar, site evaluations were the exclusive domain of a dedicated technical office, creating bottlenecks and delays. Now, every project manager at DVP Solar can independently assess site viability, visualize constraints, and make informed decisions in real-time. This shift has dramatically reduced dependency on external teams and streamlined their entire workflow.

  • Real-time analysis and visualization: With Glint Solar, each developer can instantly analyze new sites, visualize buildable areas, and adjust project layouts based on live data. This capability means fewer back-and-forths and more immediate, data-driven decision-making.

  • Improved stakeholder engagement: The ability to present clear, visual data to stakeholders, such as local authorities or landowners, has become a crucial asset. Developers can now demonstrate project feasibility and potential impact directly, facilitating smoother negotiations and faster approvals.

  • Enhanced decision-making: By putting advanced analysis tools directly in the hands of each project manager, Glint Solar has accelerated DVP Solar’s development pipeline. They can now pre-qualify projects more efficiently, reducing time spent on low-potential sites and focusing resources on the most promising opportunities.


The bigger picture: Industry implications

Now, let's zoom out. What does DVP Solar's success mean for the industry at large?

  1. Scalability reimagined: Handling more projects without sacrificing quality is no longer a pipe dream.

  2. Democratized expertise: Technical knowledge is being put directly into the hands of project managers.

  3. Agility as a competitive edge: The ability to adapt quickly to regulatory changes is becoming a key differentiator.


The Takeaway: Innovate or stagnate

As the solar industry continues to grow and evolve, companies that prioritize innovation and efficiency will be best positioned to lead the market. DVP Solar's partnership with Glint Solar demonstrates how embracing technology can drive operational improvements and support sustainable growth

For utility-scale developers looking to streamline operations and empower their teams, Glint Solar is an essential tool. By providing easy access to key project data and enabling quicker, data-driven decisions, it's helping companies like DVP Solar boost efficiency and scale faster. Ready to see how Glint Solar can transform your process? Book a demo today!



About DVP Solar

DVP Solar is a leader in the development of large-scale photovoltaic solar energy projects, with over 3 GW currently under development in Europe and Latin America. The company specializes in ground-mounted solar installations, with active projects in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and across Latin America.

At DVP Solar, innovation is at the heart of everything they do. The team is dedicated to leveraging photovoltaic technology to address climate challenges while driving socioeconomic growth in the regions where they operate. DVP Solar manages every phase of project development—from site identification and permitting to financing and construction—ensuring each project delivers significant economic and environmental benefits.

With a focus on adapting to local market trends, DVP Solar’s portfolio includes cutting-edge solutions like hybridization, floating solar, and agri-PV to meet regional needs. Their project breakdown includes 1 GW in Italy, 1 GW in France, 200 MW in Spain, 500 MW in Germany, and 400 MW across Latin America.



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