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Introducing PV Degradation Mapping: A New Tool for Smarter Solar Site Selection

Published: November 06, 2024
Introducing PV Degradation Mapping: A New Tool for Smarter Solar Site Selection

Press Release Published on April 15, 2024, on PV Magazine

At Glint Solar, we’re excited to introduce a new feature to our software that maps PV degradation rates across Europe, empowering solar developers to choose sites with the most favorable climatic conditions for long-term performance.

glint solar degragation map

How does it work?

Our new module lets you identify regions with minimal degradation rates, highlighting subtle variations, even within countries. With just a click on the map, you can get a precise degradation severity score between 0 and 10, down to two decimal places.

We created this feature in collaboration with Norway’s Institute of Energy Technology (IFE), using insights from two significant studies on how climate affects PV module durability. 

These studies, published in Energies and the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, help us factor in environmental stressors like hydrolysis (from humidity and temperature), UV-related photodegradation, and thermomechanical stress from temperature changes.

How you can use it

This tool gives you early-stage insights that make a difference. When you’re comparing potential sites, regional degradation rates can guide your decisions on where to develop projects with a higher likelihood of securing permits and long-term success.

Even Kvelland, Chief Commercial Officer at Glint Solar adds that “This type of information is important to developers in the early stage of a project, providing valuable site-specific knowledge for preliminary project sizing, for example.”
The degradation mapping tool is part of our broader cloud-based platform, which also considers grid proximity, topography, soil quality, and solar irradiance to find the best sites for utility-scale solar. 

Since we launched in 2020, Glint Solar’s mission has been to equip developers with essential GIS data, analytical tools, and design resources, helping you optimize and expand your project pipeline with confidence.
Stay tuned for exciting updates as we continue to evolve our platform.

Want to learn more? Read the full story on PV Magazine.

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Matthew Sveum Stubbs

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