How MMR Solar Cuts Project Planning Time by 40% and Saves Costs of 3 Employees with Glint Solar

Streamlining Data and Planning for Faster Utility-Scale Solar Projects

Faster project planning
Boost in team efficiency
3 FTEs
Equivalent cost savings

The Company

"More Possibilities Through Renewable Resources" - "Mehr Möglichkeiten durch erneuerbare Ressourcen" is what defines MMR Solar's mission as well as its name. 

With more than 1,000 MW of completed projects, MMR Solar is a key player in advancing Germany's renewable energy sector, focusing on greenfield solar projects in Lower Saxony and Hesse. With a dynamic team that brings a wealth of experience and expertise in project development, consulting, and financing, MMR Solar currently has numerous projects across Germany.

However, MMR Solar recognized the need for greater efficiency to effectively manage and scale its extensive portfolio of solar energy projects across Germany. As the company sought to grow and streamline operations, it became critical to optimize project development timelines and data management to move faster in a more efficient manner.

MMR Solar's Challenge: The Need for Enhanced Efficiency

As MMR Solar continued to lead the way in Germany’s renewable energy sector, its remarkable growth and ambitious project portfolio brought about new challenges that highlighted the need for improved efficiency and streamlined processes.

1. Time lost in complex tools and integration challenges
With MMR Solar managing an expansive array of solar energy projects, it utilized QGIS along with various other tools. While these tools were essential for project planning, the lack of seamless integration led to a complex workflow, requiring manual data transfers that increased time and effort.

Tools such as AutoCAD and Adobe were used to draw occupancy plans and edit map materials. Manual overlays of different maps, including cadastral data, Natura 2000, and floodplains, were also part of the process, adding to the complexity.

As their project portfolio grew, these integration issues made scaling operations and maintaining accurate data more difficult, impacting overall efficiency.

2. Dependency on manual tools

To maintain the high standards of their projects, MMR Solar relied on manual data entries. Although this approach was initially effective, the increasing scale of their operations revealed the limitations of these manual processes.

The team’s dedication to precision required extensive time and IT expertise, which, while indicative of their commitment, also highlighted the need for automation to sustain their growth trajectory.

Routine tasks such as area search, area measurement, cable route drawings, initial occupancy plans, and designs for grid requests were manually intensive and time-consuming.

3. Resource constraint

MMR Solar’s dedicated team of seven members was adept at handling the demands of their greenfield solar projects. However, as their portfolio expanded, the challenge of sourcing additional professionals skilled in layout adjustments became apparent. This situation underscored the company’s commitment to high-quality project execution while highlighting the need for a solution that could empower its existing team.

4. Dependency on external specialists

The reliance on external specialists and consultants was a testament to MMR Solar’s pursuit of expert insights to ensure project excellence. As the volume of projects grew, the associated delays from waiting for external data and analyses became more noticeable. This highlighted the company's proactive approach to leveraging external expertise while emphasizing the need for a more self-sufficient system.

5. Data management inefficiencies

Managing an extensive portfolio of projects with fragmented data management processes presented a challenge for MMR Solar. Despite their success and growth, the absence of an integrated system revealed inefficiencies that impacted project timelines. This scenario underscored the need for a unified solution to enhance data coherence and overall operational effectiveness.

5. Fragmented and difficult-to-track data

MMR Solar struggled with fragmented data such as cadastral data, various maps (Natura 2000, floodplains, etc.), and views of possible solar park sites. These disparate data sources made project planning cumbersome and time-consuming.

This case study explores how MMR Solar, despite these challenges, strategically partnered with Glint Solar to overcome obstacles and achieve greater efficiency, further solidifying its leadership in the renewable energy sector.

"Glint Solar has transformed our workflow. We've eliminated tedious manual tasks and the need to hire an IT specialist. Using Glint Solar is like having three extra colleagues on our team. It's replaced several other software systems, making our team more efficient.”

Robin Lehmberg, CEO at MMR Solar

The Solution

Glint Solar's comprehensive solution was designed to address developers like MMR Solar’s specific challenges and enhance overall efficiency in its project management processes.

1. Unified platform for design and analysis
Glint Solar provided a single, integrated platform that centralized GIS data, pre-design, and yield calculations. This solution streamlined the workflow by consolidating various tools and manual processes into one place for storing and managing all project-related data.

2. Task automation

The automation of routine tasks eliminated the need for manual data entries and reduced dependence on multiple software systems like QGIS.

Tasks such as area search, area measurement, cable route drawings, initial occupancy plans, and designs for grid requests were streamlined.

This change increased efficiency in planning and collaboration by integrating different data types, thereby accelerating project development and boosting team productivity.

3. Resource empowerment and fast project change capabilities

Glint Solar’s solution enhanced the team’s ability to adapt quickly to project changes. With fast project change capabilities, the entire team of seven could now independently perform project analysis and layout adjustments. This approach effectively addressed resource constraints and empowered the team to handle project modifications with ease.

4. Reduced dependence on external specialists

By integrating comprehensive data management and visualization features into one platform, Glint Solar reduced MMR Solar’s reliance on external specialists. The ability to access and analyze data in-house minimized delays caused by waiting for external inputs and enabled more timely project execution.

5. Advanced 3D visualization

The advanced 3D project visualization feature provided superior project insights and enhanced stakeholder engagement. This capability allowed for real-time adjustments and effective project presentations, improving interactions with landowners and municipalities and facilitating better decision-making.


Unified platform for GIS, design, and analysis
Task automation
Resource empowerment and fast project change capabilities
Reduced dependence on external specialists
Advanced 3D project visualization


- Automatic GIS layer updates in relevant Bundesland (state), reducing the need to manually identify and update the GIS data. Centralized platform for streamlined design and yield calculations, reducing the need for multiple systems. One place to store and manage all project-related data.
Eliminated manual data entries and integrated various data types, increasing planning efficiency and productivity.
Enabled quick adaptations to project changes and empowered the entire team, easing resource constraints and reducing time spent on adjustments.
Centralized data access and management cut delays from waiting for external inputs. Handling analyses and updates internally accelerated project timelines and boosted responsiveness.
Enhanced stakeholder engagement and decision-making with real-time, interactive project presentations.

The Results

The implementation of Glint Solar's solution brought significant improvements to MMR Solar’s operations. Here are the key results achieved:

1. Reduced project planning time by 40%
MMR Solar saved approximately 15-20 hours per project, allowing for quicker project completion and reallocation of time to other critical stages. 

2. Increased team efficiency by 300%

Tasks that once took hours were now completed in just a few clicks, dramatically boosting productivity and effectively adding the equivalent of about three additional team members to their team.

3. Faster decision-making 

Streamlined data analysis and presentations improved team collaboration by 60%, leading to quicker and more effective decision-making.

4. Operational cost savings equivalent to 3 full-time employees

By adopting Glint Solar, MMR Solar saved the equivalent of 3 full-time employees' operational costs, further highlighting the efficiency gains.

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 “With Glint Solar, we can adapt to changes in real time. For our external stakeholders, it's remarkable to be able to show a 3D analysis and update yield data on the spot, adapting instantly to local conditions.”

Robin Lehmberg CEO, MMR Solar

Glint Solar’s advanced solutions have fundamentally transformed MMR Solar’s project management approach, delivering measurable improvements across their operations. 

This technological upgrade has significantly cut planning time, enhanced data accuracy, and streamlined project execution, positioning MMR Solar for accelerated growth and greater efficiency. The adoption of Glint Solar's platform has not only addressed critical pain points but also enabled MMR Solar to scale operations effectively and engage stakeholders more dynamically.

For those looking to elevate their project management capabilities and achieve similar transformative results, a demo of Glint Solar’s solution is the next step. Book a demo to discover how Glint Solar can optimize your workflows, accelerate project timelines, and position your company for sustained success in the renewable energy sector. 

Want to experience faster project planning and a boost in efficiency? See Glint Solar in action by scheduling a demo!